Off To Nova Scotia - October 1-??, 2016![]() We are still plotting out our next expedition. Just to keep the page busy until we have something of substance to add, we thought we would share some of our musings. Some time back before we even knew we would have the Roadtrek (RT) we booked a number of concerts from the Celtic Colours International Festival 2016 and were initially going to spend a week around Cape Breton based around Baddeck. Now that we have the RT we are planning to expand our stay. We were initially thinking of heading to St. John, NB and taking the BFL Ferry to Digby, NS. While we have not ruled that out yet, it seems that the 9 inches by which we exceed 20 feet will cost us over double the already steep fare. Hmmmm...
Presuming we give up on the ferry as a poor deal, we can still consider taking a "short cut" across
Maine to St. John then driving around the bay. The distance is cut from 941 KM to 749 KM but, if
we believe Google Maps we would save less than one hour (8:24 vs 9:49). If we factor in the drive
around by Sackville, NB from St. John, it makes the Transcanada look better all the time. In any case,
it has been more that 10 years since we have passed that way so we can see what has changed.
Either way it looks like we will be entering "New Scotland" near Amherst as usual.
Some Possible ExplorationsWe will probably start by heading along the Anapolis. There are some good ideas in the NS Tourism's Annapolis Valley Food & Wine Tour page. The wineries look especially interesting. Exploring the evolving NS wineries is high on our list this trip. The only one we are really familiar with is Jost Vineyards over on the Malagash Peninsula. It also looks like there are a lot of historical sites to see along the Fundy Shore. We especially would like to revisit the Port-Royal National Historic Site. We were last there about 25 years ago.We will add some more thoughts as the plan evolves. |