Wanders In Our Roadtrek Zion

We are Rod & Lillian Vokey from the West Island of Montreal. We picked up our new 2016 Roadtrek Zion on August 5, 2016 as our key "retirement project". These pages will document some of our wanders and share some of our thoughts.

First, since you may have fallen on this page in error, we should let you know that Roadtrek's corporate site is at http://www.roadtrek.com/ and Mike & Jennifer Wendland's wonderful "ROADTREKING - Celebrating the RV Lifestyle" site is at http://roadtreking.com/. These sites are probably of far more information value than this little collection of notes, thoughts and pictures. Please do visit them. You might also enjoy a Roadtrek Owner's Moment video made by Sean Stanley of Roadtrek who interviewed us when we met up with a gang of Roadtrekers near Tobermory, ON.

The next thing we should mention is that this site is a "work in progress". We are starting using simple formatting that should work on most devices without too much "zooming and panning". We will try to keep most pictures at a low resolution without losing the usefulness so performance will remain decent for folks on slower (e.g. RV Park) or expensive connections. Over time we will work on improving the presentation and usability without losing sight of the initial objectives.

We always enjoy hearing what folks think about our site. You can reach us at no.comment@roadtreking.ca if you take the "no." off.

A Bit About Us

We are a senior couple who have been together for more than 45 years. We have no children and are down to two dogs from a peak of 3 adults and 8 puppies. Through most of our years together we have been wanderers whenever we can.
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Our Motorhome

Early in the summer of 2016 we determined that Rod would finally retire in the late summer or early fall. We were also free of some family obligations that left use free to wander.

We had always talked of getting a motorhome when we retired since we had always enjoyed "wandering" and exploring new places. While we had traveled extensively in North America over our 40+ years together, that had only whet our appetites.
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For our Roadtreking friends that have similar models, we have put our collection of digital manuals and notes here.

The Trips

August 2016 Bearded Collie Club of Canada National Specialty
September 2016 Ontario Wanders
October 2016 Off To Nova Scotia
November 2016 A Wander South
April 2017 Spring Shakedown
May 2017 Birthday and Wine Wanders in Ontario
Canada 150 Phase 1 The West and North
Canada 150 Phase 2 The East
May 2018 Birthday, Music and Wine Wanders in Ontario
June 2018 Seeking Salt Water and Seafood in the East
August 2018 Another Birthday and More Wine Wanders in Ontario
September 2018 A Roundabout Route to Celtic Colours
May 2019 Testing A New Camper
June 2019 A Gathering In Niagara Then A Dog Show
June 2019 Heading East To Escape The Heat
July/August 2019 Summer Dog Shows
September 2019 A Journey South
October 2019 Thanksgiving In The County
August 2020 Escape to Ontario
September 2020 Another Escape to Ontario
June 2021 First Escape To Ontario for 2021
July 2021 A Weekend In Long Sault
August 2021 Heading Back To The Maritimes At Last
September 2021 A Quick Trip To Ontario
October 2021 Canadian Thanksgiving 2021
April 2022 Rod and Josie Go To Maryland No Daily Notes
July 2022 A Sad Trip to Ontario No Daily Notes
August 2022 Roadtrucking to Bearded Collie Club of Canada Specialty No Daily Notes
August 2022 Back to Ontario No Daily Notes
September 2022 Heading East No Daily Notes
September 2022 South to BCCA National Specialty No Daily Notes
June/July 2023 Short Ontario Trip
August/September 2023 Travels to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
September/October 2023 A Dog Show Trip to US
October 2023 BCCA Specialty & Other US Wanders
April 2024 A Dog Show Trip to PA and MD Coming Soon
May 2024 A Short Trip to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Coming Soon

Other Travels

While we have been will be doing a lot of our travelling in the Roadtrek, we do enjoy other travels. Here are a few recent trips.
December 2016 Holiday Cruise on ms Rotterdam
May 2016 Spring Cruise on ms Veendam
November 2018 A Gathering In The County